Trade and Textiles



I have always had a soft spot for Kawagoe. It is very close to Tokyo, yet retains a small-town feeling. It is a town that has managed to preserve many of its older buildings and retain something of its dignity as an old castle town and trading-post. The splendid store houses that remain as rows of popular tourist shops today speak of the history of a town that grew wealthy from its trade. Kawagoe bears the nick-name Ko-Edo, little Edo, and it is easy to see why.

There are many ways in which the Edo period is tangible in Kawagoe, in its architecture, its local pickles and foods for sale, in its temples and shrines and even in its many festivals, many of which date back to the Edo period.





 ◆Ishikawa Silk Mill 石川組製糸

Kawagoe was a textile production site, as well as a trading town. In 1894, Ishikawa Ikutaro,

(石川幾太郎)who was born on a farm, but had failed at an export tea business, decided to embark on the silk business, as the government was trying to increase its silk exports. He built a steam-powered silk mill in Toyo-oka(豊岡), Saitama, and he was successful. He went on to establish two more factories. The Kawagoe Silk factory was built in 1908 on the land where the Kawagoe post office and municipal library now stand. Ishikawa was a Christian and a philanthropist, who treated his workers well. They were paid much better wages than other girls in the silk industry, and many of them stayed for up to ten years. The factory took a hard blow in the depression on 1930, and it finally closed down in 1954, after nylon took over from silk as fabric for stockings. Kawagoe had been number one in Saitama for the production and quality of its silk.





Kawagoe-touzan 川越唐桟という織物


Cotton weaving was also produced in Kawagoe. It was called Tozan, originally San Tome from St. Thomas, the port in India from where the cotton was shipped. It was imported in the 14th Century and was highly prized. From 1860, reeled cotton was introduced from Manchester, and being of high quality, it was used for making the striped cotton fabric. Tozan is still produced in small quantities and is made not only into cotton kimono, but also many small accessories and handicrafts.











蔵造りの通り・幸町にある服部民俗資料館の服部館長とシーラさん。            実際に山田屋で使われていたものが展示されている


Yamadaya Hattori Museum 山田屋 服部民俗資料館


On my recent visit to Kawagoe I visited Hattori san(服部民俗資料館) of the Yamada Ya store(山田屋) Terifuri Tonya(照降問屋).

The Hattori family were a samurai family, but later went into business. The store house is now a small folk museum. Yamada Ya was a Terifuri Tonya for over 250 years. In the Edo period there were many Terifuri Tonya. I had not heard the word before, but Terifuri is sunshine and rain, and Tonya is a dealer. The shop sold zouri(草履) and geta, (traditional Japanese footwear). Zouri were footwear for fine days, and geta were wooden clogs, sold on rainy days. They also sold janome gasa (蛇の目傘)and ban gasa(番傘), traditional umbrellas, when it rained. Now you can see a wide variety of different kinds of footwear and umbrellas in cases. They were made in various shapes, both high and low and in many different materials including rope and bamboo.

The position and material of the thong also varied depending on whether the footwear was for a celebration like a wedding, or for walking long distances. Sometimes dolls and kimono from the Kawagoe matsuri are also displayed at Hattori’s place.










Towards the end of the Edo period Yamada Ya started to sell medicines in addition to the footwear. A large pestle and mortar remain there, and many boxes with the interesting labels of medicines. They used many kinds of plants to make medicines, but also stranger things such as sharkskin, narwhale and rhino horn. In the Meiji period, the government began to regulate the industry and introduced a pharmacy license.

It was important as many new products were beginning to arrive from the west. Several text books on display show that Hattori’s were serious about understanding the medicines they were selling and getting qualified as a pharmacy.





Hattori’s other household goods are on display in the raised tatami area, where the shop keeper would have sat. There is a small desk and a tiny chest of draws, an abacus and various candle holders. Through these items one can get a glimpse into the everyday life that people lived in these great store house businesses. Whilst Kawagoe may have been a bustling and wealthy center, it appears that life was very much simpler than today.




服部民俗資料館 川越市幸町6-8


◆Castle Town Kawagoe and its Bell Tower  城下町・川越と時の鐘



Kawagoe was known as a trading center, rather than as a production site. Traded goods were shipped down river to Asakusa(浅草) and beyond. In the 17th Century, the Matsudaira clan(松平信綱)zoned the city for temples and shrines, samurai houses, craftsmen and traders. The trading area largely remains intact because of the nature of the buildings. Rather than the normal flimsy wooden buildings that people lived in, the storehouses were much more sturdy and stronger against fire. They needed to protect the precious goods. Hattori’s store survived the great fire of 1893(川越大火). After that fire, when many buildings were lost, many people rebuilt in what were considered modern styles; the Meiji period stone banks, and elegant lookingTaisho period houses were constructed. These are dotted around Kawagoe and many of them are restaurants or cafes. What did not survive the great fire of 1893, was the famous bell tower(時の鐘). However, it was rebuilt the following year with donations from the silk traders in Yokohama, who regularly did business with dealers in Kawagoe.








Kawagoe Textile Market 明治43年築の川越織物市場


Kawagoe also had a market place where silk, Kawagoe Tozan(川越唐桟) and other textiles and sundry goods were traded. The buildings from the site have now been removed, but the site remains and it is hoped that in the future it will be restored, so that future generations will be able to continue to learn about the life of ordinary traders in the Edo period in Kawagoe.




